Saturday, September 17, 2022

Everything Parmesan Crisps

 Everything Parmesan Crisps

Everything Parmesan Crisps are a great addition to a Caesar Salad or really any salad or soup to add a bit of crunch. 

1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese, Freshly Grated

3/4 tsp Sesame Seeds

3/4 tsp Onion Flakes, Minced, Dried

3/4 tsp Garlic Flakes, Minced, Dried 

3/4 tsp Poppy Seeds

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Pour 2 tbsp of grated cheese onto a silicone lined baking sheet. Lightly pat down with your fingers to make about a 4” round. 

Repeat 3 more times with remaining cheese, leaving 1/2 inch space between each circle. 

Bake in preheated oven for 3 minutes. 

Combine the sesame seeds, garlic flakes, onion flakes and poppy seeds in a small bowl. 

Top each circle with 3/4 tsp of the mix and return to oven baking approximately 3 more minutes until golden and crisp.

Remove from oven and cool before eating.  

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