Sunday, December 11, 2022

Everything Bagel Dip

Everything Bagel Dip

A tasty cold dip for raw vegetables, pita chips, potato chips etc.  you can use a purchased Everything Bagel Seasoning or make your own.  



8 oz Cream Cheese

1 cup Sour Cream 

3 tbsp Everything Bagel Seasoning 

Everything Bagel Seasoning 

1 tbsp Sesame Seeds, White 

1 tbsp Sesame Seeds, Black

2 tbsp Poppy Seeds 

1/2 tbsp Sea Salt Flakes

1 tbsp Minced Garlic Flakes, Dried

1 tbsp Minced Onion Flakes, Dried 

In a medium bowl, whip the cream cheese until smooth. Add the sour cream and mix until well combined. 

In a separate mixing bow, mix the sesame seeds, poppy seeds, salt, garlic flakes and onion flakes until well combined. 

Add 3 tbsp of the Everything Bagel Seasoning to you cream cheese/sour cream mix and still until the season is incorporated.  

Coverage and refrigerate several hours before using.


  • The flavour will intensify as the dip sets up
  • Refrigerate leftover dip for up to 3 days
  • Everything Bagel Dip can be stored in an airtight container for several months  

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