Sunday, February 24, 2019

Bath Bomb

Bath Bomb

1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup citric acid 
1/2 cup cornstarch 
1/2 cup Epsom salt
3 tsp essential oil/fragrance oil, skin grade 
2 tsp almond or olive oil 
1 tsp water 
Witch hazel - a few drops 
Food colouring - skin grade , colour & amount > desired results 


1/2 cup citric acid 
1/2 cup baking soda 
1/2 tsp colour 
15 drops essential/fragrance oil 
Witch hazel

In a medium bowl whisk all dry ingrediants together until well combined. 

Add fragrance and oil. Using gloves, mix by hand. Add water and mix again.  Add witch hazel adjusting amount depending on how dry/wet the mixture is, ensuring it holds together to form a ball. Add food colouring mixing by hand to desired colour. 

Solidly pack one half of a bath bomb mood. Overfill the other half of the bath balm mold and place both sides together. Push sides firmly together so there is no gap in the centre. 

Making an embed, mix all dry ingrediants well, add fragrance oil, mix well then add several drops of witch hazel to achieve the ability to form into a solid ball. Add food colouring if desired, mix well and pack into small batch bomb molds tightly and pop out. Allow to dry a bit before using. 

If using an embed, lightly pack a good amount of mixture in the first half and place the embed on top of the mixture. The secret to creating a good spin is to place the embed off centre, not in the middle. It has to be off balance in order to spin. Overfill the other half and place both sides together pushing firmly so there is no gap in the centre. 

Once joined, tap each side gently with a spoon, then release one half. Turn over and release the other half. Set on a piece of wax paper and continue the process with the rest of the mix. 

Dry for a minimum of 24 hours, then seal in plastic wrap to retain their fragrance and stop them from absorbing  moisture from the air which will limit their fizz. 

Makes 6 #2 size or 3 oz / 85 g bath bombs without an imbed. 


Orange Creamsicle - 1 part orange fragrance/2 parts vanilla fragrance 
Honey Almond - honey almond fragrance 
Candy Cane - peppermint essential oil & crushed candy canes in each side of mold 

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