Sunday, August 3, 2014

Molten Chocolate Cakes

Molten Chocolate Cakes

2 tbsp cocoa powder
1/2 cup butter
8 squares semisweet chocolate
6 eggs
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup flour

Lightly grease 12 cup muffin tin. Use cocoa powder to flour cups. Shake to coat evenly and tap excess out over the sink. 

Melt butter and chocolate in a small saucepan over low heat. Beat eggs with electric mixer for 3 to 5 minutes or until lighter in colour. While beating, slowly pour in chocolate mixture. When smooth, beat in flour until just combined. Pour into prepared muffin tin. 

Bake in a 400 degree oven for 10 minutes - until sides are crusty and resemble a muffin but centres are soft. Do not over bake. Remove from oven and let stand 5 minutes. 

Cake centres will become flattened and appear to fall. Run a knife around edges and using a fork to help get underneath, remove each cake from tin and invert onto heat serving plate. 

Serve hot garnished with a few berries and whipping cream. 

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